Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer Fun- not so much

Summer FunIt's summer.  I have two glorious months to catch up on the cleaning, chores, projects, etc. that have been waiting the ten months of the school year to get done.  I have two months to play with my daughter, go to the gym, get my diet back on track, and relax.

I spent the first week of that two months not cleaning.  I applied for college and played on the Internet for the morning.  Then I stressed in the afternoon over what to do with my two-year-old for the afternoon.  (She napped and then we watched television.)

When week two rolled around, I realized I wasn't really happy with how big of a mess my house was so I decided I would try to clean while she watched a movie.

Really unhappy with the concept of using the television as a babysitter, I decided it was time to change my strategy for the summer. Yes, I am going to go to the gym and try to keep my diet on track.  Yes, I am going to catch up on chores, but I am NOT GOING TO LET THE TELEVISION BABYSIT MY DAUGHTER.

It's going to be a good old fashioned summer fun kind of summer that includes cleaning as we go.

So how am I going to do this?  Stay tuned for posts about the new and improved summer plan that includes way more fun!

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